Wednesday, April 14, 2010

party plans :D

ok the party is scheduled for the 24th at or around 7 cuz its a movie and stuff. If you need a ride we might be able to work something out so tell us. the movie is officially cloudy with a chance of meat balls but weather or not netflix will be able to deliver in time is another story :\ if not we can always watch something on the wii since we have instant streaming so all good there. there shall be pop corn and possibly soda and oreos if luck is willing. If some one wants to bring something thats fine but this isn't gonna be on the scale of the last party.


Abigail (knutson) said...

I VOTE METROPOLISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that an AWSOME movie :D i was gona watch that at my b-day party but it would be the same thing if molly and lily were there :)

Abigail (knutson) said...

I VOTE METROPOLISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that an AWSOME movie :D i was gona watch that at my b-day party but it would be the same thing if molly and lily were there :)

Abigail (knutson) said...

I VOTE METROPOLISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that an AWSOME movie :D i was gona watch that at my b-day party but it would be the same thing if molly and lily were there :)

Abigail (knutson) said...

oops i have no idea why it posted 3?? you can delete it to one if u wan but if u do delete this too :)

blackhawk said...


Samuel said...

lol i think Abby reallllllyyyy wants to watch metropolis :P hahhaha