Saturday, November 28, 2009


Today we put up the tree before that we went to the stem Christmas day parade we were expecting about 2 floats and 10 people,but this wasn't that bad i mean we got a lot of candy from the parade,see here in Granville county we judge parades by how much candy is thrown, this parade besides being more candy thrown there was little competition,there were lots of vintage cars a fire trucks the normal there was also a wagon with a blue grass band in the back that played during the parade. Also i had my first ever hershys chocolate tasted a lot like the chips ahoy of witch i didn't like so that was that.  

Friday, November 27, 2009

a summery of Thanks giving.

Thanks giving was nice Brian and David came with Nana and papa for diner it was nice to see brain and David. We ate and ate we made to much food so we should be eating well for a while, about 2:00 am me and dad went to wallmart to go black Friday shopping we got a microwave and i got a Nintendo ds lite...i might post more when i get some more sleep.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

i shall make a list.

top ten things im thankful for.

1.god(that was a given) and existence as a whole(duh) and friends.(duh again)

4.emotions and fun(this doesn't seem to be on any one else list)

5.Oreo cookies(this would be higher up but god and family might get mad)

6.chuck Norris(would be high but...don't ask)

7.electronics and modern technology

8.thanks giving(another duh) ten lists(could you guess)

10.this blog(didn't see that one coming)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

its amazing what you can do with a broken pair of glasses and a lack of parental supervision.

He he yes you fail! and quit e-mailing me theres a link below every post that says COMMIT use that next time please. 

Monday, November 23, 2009


These names and events have been change to protect the innocents, the events have been changed since some things are never to make it on to the internet. this isn't what happened but i feel like this is what happened.

I woke up with shaving cream in my face i got out of my bunk bed tripped on the lader and hit my where was i forget, anyway after i got better i did school i had to do astronomical physics i excelled at that but then i had a spelling bee.......that was terrible i still cant spell Floccinaucinihilipilification witch happens to mean one whom cant spell.....then i had lunch no it wasn't any one you know i shall say no more than that, After that i did house work i cleaned the whole house using only my tooth brush and my bare hands, Then i sat down for a break a rabbit bit me on my foot, sending me tumbling down a hill into a thorn patch that lead right into a pool of water, where a ox with big horns happened to be sleeping he woke up sent me flying, into the steel factory next door i landed in some liquid steel for witch shall never scrub out, after that i stubbed my toe and passed out, only to wake up in a hospital staffed by hippies who hatted me(i don't know why) after that they tried to cut my leg off and failed to they threw me out the window, into a turkey pin where turkeys proceeded to try to pick my eyes out with their beaks, i then ran out made it home just in time to see that we were no longer going to have turkey since the oven just caught fire....then i.....well you get the idea.....bad week.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Another post.

First off its nice to know that i have at least one reader*wink*. also it has come to my attention that another reader has no knowledge of Mr.t or his famous phrase and i quote"I pity the fool" as illustrated above. Molly you really should get out more. Mr.t is the worlds awsomest person ever second to that of chuck Norris whom has even LOST a game of checkers to Mr.t, and that's saying a lot if you know chuck Norris.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Nothing more to report.

If there are any of you still reading or ever started i am sad to say that i don't have anything more to post today........i know things are getting of to a bad start,but look at walmart, before walmart got off the ground it went bankrupt four times before getting a good start,now if this blog fails im not gonna start three more but i will try to find interesting things to post on,perhaps my views of story's i find on the internet or something, if you have any ideas or you truly read this blog post a commit...please.

Monday, November 16, 2009


I will try to post as much as i can at least once a week But its days like today that might kill that idea today was pretty BORING nothing happened nothing went wrong I woke up I did school and work and i ate that was it, I mean i know the tittle is "Time To Spare" but today was just boring.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Welcome to my blog this is the first post I have made on it so far as you may know. Let me tell you a little about my self first im bad at spelling so fell free to point out any mistakes.My name is Benjamin knutson I am a 17 years old i live in the middle of no where there's pretty much nothing to do so my and my 5 siblings try to fill it with what ever we can find. My youngest brothers name is Andrew after that its my sister Abby after that its Jon then me and my older brother Dan we have a cat named cat or kitty as i like to call him, we have a dog named jigger we named her that cause shes so sweet. Just to warn you i will be making lots of chuck Norris jokes you have been warned,i promise to read all of your commits up to 20 a post. Please feel free to make any suggestions. thank you

sincerly Ben!