Sunday, February 28, 2010

ok so heres what iv been like for the past month or so watch this video sorry its not the original i couldn't find it any way thats about how iv been for so last few weeks.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Iv been sick so i haven't posted much, I heard of something called dead blog syndrome the cure happens to be random useless i found this on youtube......I need my brain back...........

Sunday, February 21, 2010

i need to post something.....but what....

I need to post something..well first off i need to fix the ninja hes going off first off if you are bored go to "johns chat thing" and chat....or just watch every one else chat if you are there was something else i was going to post here but i forgot a little later today it may change.

Friday, February 19, 2010

AVATAR(a movie review)

Today i saw avatar in my opinion the best movie EVER made and i mean that, I don't normally write reviews but this was a REALLY good movie. First off i saw it in 3d also im not so sure how good this would be if it wasn't in the theater or 3d but any way all that aside it was awesome. I wont spoil the movie by giving away details so i will use random words to fill in important stuff here goes. The main character is a marine and his "pizza baking skills" just ain't what they used to be before the war, his "cat" dies and he takes his "cats" place in a "product placement test" on a new world called Pandora. there the humans try to mine "gold" from the planet to send home. But the planet is full of strange "garden gnomes" and a native "flamingo" population that keeps killing the workers and getting in the way. So the "gold" company uses things called avatars that look like the "flamingos" to talk to them and try to work out a deal, things go sour and the "flamingos" are in the way of the "gold" miners so the "gold" miners send out all out attack. the marine we talked about earlier that was working in place of his "cat" decides to help the "flamingos" instead of uhh not helping them......any way after a big battle that included "spoons", large flying "forks" it all ends ok. any way go see it the special effects were amazing, the acting was great, the music was good and no expense was spared on uhh keeping the actors fed.........wait no mm i mean the back ground looked good ya, go see it for the well fed actors errr something like that.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

abby :)

1.YoU HaVe AweSOME hAIr
2.crazy~gnarls barkley
3.divided egg idea
5.hmm a hamster
6.who is your favorite cousin? ;)
7.everything heheh

this is fun!!!
sammy hate the name sammy
2.dancing queen
3.haha i just killed you cant kill me im the shark ...i killed you with my fin you didnt !!!! idea :P
5.a peacock
6.why do you put bananas in you ears ???
7.your awesome personality

Monday, February 15, 2010

lilys quiz MUhahahah


1.You live really near me :)
2.your so vain... hehe *snicker*
3.lets go cow tipping ..... :)
4.with amy and casey at our house :)
5.umm a penguin
6.why do you actaully talk to your stalker ??? :p
7.your awesome sense of humor :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

partyyyy part 2

Jonathan page
1. you hate lol cats
2.really cant think of any :P
3.pigeon impossible
4. all i can remember is my mom saying you are really smart :P
5.hmm a lemur
6.why do you hate lol cats so much??
7.your accent
8.fairfax :P

jonny boy have red hair. :P
2.the hamster dance
3.hehe it is a divided egg bahahahah :) chasing all of us up the slide at my house :P
5.hmm a hermit crab :P
6.what is your obsession with stalking people ;)
7.your sense of humor

Sam play in a band ...right ....?
2.back to the future....
4.sorry i have no idea :P
5.a goose you like lolcats
7.hmmm your accent

benny have an awesome sister :)
2.cant smile with out you :P :P
3.hehe it is a divided egg bahahahah :)
4.umm i have no idea :P
5.a walrus
6.hmmm do you like chain mail :P
7.your smile

wow we need more girls on this blog!!! Abby you gotta comment :P

Saturday, February 13, 2010


hey it molly ....i am going to steal this from ally :)

If you want to do this, leave a comment and:

1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you which song or movie you remind me of.
3. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
4. I'll tell you my first memory of you.
5. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
6. I'll ask you something I've always wondered about you.
7. I'll tell you my favorite thing about you.
8. I'll pick a new name for you.

ill probably regret this and wish that i hadn't done it but oh well :P

Friday, February 12, 2010

as of now party is canceled

I have sucumed to a cvery bad viras il live but the party as of now is canced sry if any of you got this, trust me i feel your pain :(

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

a tie

I put the poll there to help me get an idea on what the party/prize should be as it turns out it got us no closer that before so the new mission for this month(thanks to a lack of creativity on my part) is to come up with/decide what the party should be and same for prize. also send me your best ninja pics so i can post :)

Monday, February 8, 2010


Ok now that we all have had the EPIC super bowl party its time to work on the new month and the new theme and the new umm something.....heres the deal we are going to have a contest of some sort and a prize of some sort and a halo party at the end of the month to award the prize :) also this months theme is NINJAS/valentines day but we aren't big on that second part so.....ya ninjas it is any way if any one has any ninja like ideas please share :)

Friday, February 5, 2010

ok last post for now

ok a few more things first off use the back door endless you want to walk through mud, second the yard is a little flooded so careful where u park. also so far we have chips, Oreos, pop corn,root beer, and i believe dog chow or something(ask molly) so if you haven't gotten anything yet you now know what not to get.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

another super bowl update

Ok its Wednesday so it would be nice if every one could tell me if they are coming or not, also just to warn you if there's to much snow this week end we will have to post pone or cancel the party, I know the paiges are coming and molly thats about it. you welcome to be unsure till the last minute but....there might cookies...for would be nice if you knew.