Monday, November 23, 2009


These names and events have been change to protect the innocents, the events have been changed since some things are never to make it on to the internet. this isn't what happened but i feel like this is what happened.

I woke up with shaving cream in my face i got out of my bunk bed tripped on the lader and hit my where was i forget, anyway after i got better i did school i had to do astronomical physics i excelled at that but then i had a spelling bee.......that was terrible i still cant spell Floccinaucinihilipilification witch happens to mean one whom cant spell.....then i had lunch no it wasn't any one you know i shall say no more than that, After that i did house work i cleaned the whole house using only my tooth brush and my bare hands, Then i sat down for a break a rabbit bit me on my foot, sending me tumbling down a hill into a thorn patch that lead right into a pool of water, where a ox with big horns happened to be sleeping he woke up sent me flying, into the steel factory next door i landed in some liquid steel for witch shall never scrub out, after that i stubbed my toe and passed out, only to wake up in a hospital staffed by hippies who hatted me(i don't know why) after that they tried to cut my leg off and failed to they threw me out the window, into a turkey pin where turkeys proceeded to try to pick my eyes out with their beaks, i then ran out made it home just in time to see that we were no longer going to have turkey since the oven just caught fire....then i.....well you get the idea.....bad week.

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